13-16 Nov 2023 Sète (France)

Abstract submission

Abstract submission is now closed.

We ask you to prepare your abstracts using the following LaTeX template: abstract_template_CLN2023.zip, which you will also find on the online platform Overleaf (no LaTeX installation needed in this case). Please do not exceed two A4 pages and do not modify the template.

For the submission, log in and go to the tab "My Submissions". Enter your title and select your preference (oral or poster) at step 1, then indicate the authors of your work (step 2). At step 3:

  • Upload as main file the pdf that you generated from the template, renamed as Name_FirstName.pdf.
  • As Supplementary Data, upload an archive Name_FirstName.zip containing the sources of your file, at least the .tex, the file biblio.bib and your figure if any. Uploading this .zip file is mandatory. You can get such a file from Overleaf, going to your home page and selecting the download icon next to the project.

Check that everything is correct at step 4 and then submit.

It remains necessary to register using the tab "My registration", even if you submitted an abstract, before proceeding to the payment following the link on the dedicated page.

For any question or technical problem:  cln2023@sciencesconf.org

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